Newsletter for April 1, 2019

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Data Visualization in the Digital Humanities

photo of Jason HepplerDr. Jason Heppler

Digital Engagement Librarian

University of Nebraska, Omaha

Thursday April 4, 2019, 4pm BSB101A


While data collection and analysis are paramount processes in today’s digital age, perhaps even more important is translating that data into a form that everyone can see and understand. Jason Heppler, the Digital Engagement Librarian for the University of Nebraska—Omaha, specializes in data visualization, a process which has the dual benefits of increased accessibility to often dense, technical data for the general populace and enhanced ease of pattern-spotting for researchers. Outside of his research on data visualization, Heppler also does work in open data advocacy to improve transparency and access to digital information. He is a founding member of Endangered Data Week, an annual event and collaboration between campuses, nonprofits, and libraries all over the country to “shed light on public datasets that are in danger of being deleted, repressed, mishandled, or lost” ( Heppler is also currently working on a book on the Silicon Valley, and the intricate connections between the area’s history, suburbanization, and social and environmental political activism.

Tool of the Week

image of eduroam

What’s that new Wi-Fi signal popping up on your phone, laptop, or tablet? CSU has recently integrated eduroam, a service that provides free Wi-Fi to students, staff, and faculty of educational institutions at other participating institutions! Eduroam is available at colleges and universities all over the country and internationally, in places such as Europe, China, and Australia! Come down to the Hub and let us configure your access so that you can get to roaming.

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